Audata Promo - Autumn '22

Release Notes

Discover new features in Audata Promo in the Autumn '22 release.


Beta: 15/02/2022
Stable: 01/03/2022
Release Notes

Bulk Award

You can now award multiple prizes at once through the Award New Prize interface, or by uploading your prize data as a CSV file.

Digital Prizing

You can now upload digital prize assets (for example, PDF tickets to an event) and distribute them by email from inside Audata Promo. Audata Promo automatically tracks which assets have been delivered to which winners and can (optionally) ensure every prize is unique, so an asset is never accidentally delivered twice to two different winners.

Just select the "Digital" delivery option when setting up a new Inventory Item to enable this feature.

Presenter Views

You can now create dynamic screens for your on-air talent that update in real-time and can be controlled remotely by producers in the Audata Promo Studio dashboard.

Things like SMS messages, liners, live reads, contest sheets and more can be displayed instantly in front of your presenters with a simple drag-and-drop interface.

Temporary Schedules

You can now create multiple Schedules, and augment your primary (or "default") schedule with temporary schedules to reflect things like public holidays, survey breaks, and limited-run shows.

Custom Dashboards

The static dashboard for Audata Promo has been replaced with Custom Dashboards. As well as a Default Dashboard option, you can now create and customise your own dashboard(s) with your own layout and widgets.

We've also updated dashboard widgets to load asynchronously, meaning if your instance has a lot of data, you'll no longer experience those long loading times when you first login to Audata Promo.

Developer Changes

  • Introduced Custom Settings: custom configuration parameters you can define that can be accessed by your scripts or via the API.

New Reports

  • Campaign Demographic Breakdown Report

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with Campaign budgets incorrectly deducting non-budget prize statuses (e.g. withdrawn prizes) in reports.


Get familiar with new features and updates in the Autumn '22 release with these videos.

Other Releases

Take a look at other recent Audata Promo releases.